Friday, July 07, 2006


Even trickier and more important than recognizing an overactive drive to achieve is figuring out how to channel that drive into new behaviors. Dean McAlister, Senior Pharmaceutical Sales Director with AstraZeneca, found himself promoted to a management position early in his career. He was talented, sincere and hardworking, and at times he drove people crazy.
While he took pride in his high achievement approach, others saw him as arrogant, impatient and manipulative. “Dean was known for his 3 a.m. e-mails,” said one colleague. “That was his normal pace – everything was a priority.”

McAlister stayed ahead of the industry’s information curve, regularly rising before dawn to study the latest market trends. But by always providing the answers, he stifled the input and creativity of his team members. He didn’t realize this until his manager told him.

For complete IIPM article click here

Source:- IIPM Editorial, 2006