Increasingly, biofuels are likely to “starve the poor” around the world, as staples are converted to ethanol production for the privileged – cassava in sub- Saharan Africa, to take one ominous example. Meanwhile, in Southeast Asia, tropical forests are cleared and burned for oil palms destined for biofuel, and there are threatening environmental effects from input-rich production of cornbased ethanol in the US as well.
The high price of tortillas and other, crueler vagaries of the international order illustrate the interconnectedness of events, from the Middle East to the Middle West, and the urgency of establishing trade based on true democratic agreements among people, and not interests whose principal hunger is for profit for corporate interests protected and subsidized by the state they largely dominate, whatever the human cost.
The high price of tortillas and other, crueler vagaries of the international order illustrate the interconnectedness of events, from the Middle East to the Middle West, and the urgency of establishing trade based on true democratic agreements among people, and not interests whose principal hunger is for profit for corporate interests protected and subsidized by the state they largely dominate, whatever the human cost.
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Source: IIPM Editorial, 2006
An IIPM and Management Guru Prof. Arindam Chaudhuri's Initiative
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Source: IIPM Editorial, 2006
An IIPM and Management Guru Prof. Arindam Chaudhuri's Initiative
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